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The Secret Adversary

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my mind open between the two of them. And then I got a bogus note from
Tuppence--and I knew!"

"But how?"

Tommy took the note in question from his pocket and passed it round the

"It's her handwriting all right, but I knew it wasn't from her because
of the signature. She'd never spell her name 'Twopence,' but anyone
who'd never seen it written might quite easily do so. Julius HAD seen
it--he showed me a note of hers to him once--but SIR JAMES HADN'T! After
that everything was plain sailing. I sent off Albert post-haste to Mr.
Carter. I pretended to go away, but doubled back again. When Julius came
bursting up in his car, I felt it wasn't part of Mr. Brown's plan--and
that there would probably be trouble. Unless Sir James was actually
caught in the act, so to speak, I knew Mr. Carter would never believe it
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