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The Secret Adversary

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"Yes," he said quietly, "this is the ill-fated draft treaty!"

"We've succeeded," said Tuppence. There was awe and an almost wondering
unbelief in her voice.

Sir James echoed her words as he folded the paper carefully and put it
away in his pocket-book, then he looked curiously round the dingy room.

"It was here that our young friend was confined for so long, was
it not?" he said. "A truly sinister room. You notice the absence of
windows, and the thickness of the close-fitting door. Whatever took
place here would never be heard by the outside world."

Tuppence shivered. His words woke a vague alarm in her. What if there
WAS some one concealed in the house? Some one who might bar that door on
them, and leave them to die like rats in a trap? Then she realized the
absurdity of her thought. The house was surrounded by police who, if
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