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The Secret Adversary

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"As a matter of fact, I guess that's what they did think at first, and,
in a way, it was dangerous for me. I learnt afterwards that they nearly
did away with me then and there--there was never much chance of their
'letting me go'--but the first man, who was the boss, preferred to keep
me alive on the chance of my having hidden them, and being able to tell
where if I recovered my memory. They watched me constantly for weeks.
Sometimes they'd ask me questions by the hour--I guess there was nothing
they didn't know about the third degree!--but somehow I managed to hold
my own. The strain of it was awful, though...

"They took me back to Ireland, and over every step of the Journey again,
in case I'd hidden it somewhere en route. Mrs. Vandemeyer and another
woman never left me for a moment. They spoke of me as a young relative
of Mrs. Vandemeyer's whose mind was affected by the shock of the
Lusitania. There was no one I could appeal to for help without giving
myself away to THEM, and if I risked it and failed--and Mrs. Vandemeyer
looked so rich, and so beautifully dressed, that I felt convinced they'd
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