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The Secret Adversary

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"Naturally! Should I be here otherwise? Hurry! There is no time to be
lost. The other little fool had better come too."

Whittington turned and ran back into the house. The agonizing minutes
went by. Then--two figures hastily huddled in cloaks appeared on the
steps and were hustled into the car. The smaller of the two was inclined
to resist and Whittington shoved her in unceremoniously. Julius leaned
forward, and in doing so the light from the open door lit up his face.
Another man on the steps behind Whittington gave a startled exclamation.
Concealment was at an end.

"Get a move on, George," shouted Julius.

The chauffeur slipped in his clutch, and with a bound the car started.

The man on the steps uttered an oath. His hand went to his pocket. There
was a flash and a report. The bullet just missed the taller girl by an
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