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The Secret Adversary

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there was a hole in the rock. It was quite small--I could only just get
my hand in, but it went a long way back. I took the oilskin packet from
round my neck and shoved it right in as far as I could. Then I tore off
a bit of gorse--My! but it did prick--and plugged the hole with it so
that you'd never guess there was a crevice of any kind there. Then I
marked the place carefully in my own mind, so that I'd find it again.
There was a queer boulder in the path just there--for all the world
like a dog sitting up begging. Then I went back to the road. The car was
waiting, and I drove back. I just caught the train. I was a bit ashamed
of myself for fancying things maybe, but, by and by, I saw the man
opposite me wink at a woman who was sitting next to me, and I felt
scared again, and was glad the papers were safe. I went out in the
corridor to get a little air. I thought I'd slip into another carriage.
But the woman called me back, said I'd dropped something, and when I
stooped to look, something seemed to hit me--here." She placed her hand
to the back of her head. "I don't remember anything more until I woke up
in the hospital."
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