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The Secret Adversary

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lawyer dropped his eyes the young man had the feeling that the other had
read him through and through like an open book. He could not but wonder
what the final judgment was, but there was little chance of learning
that. Sir James took in everything, but gave out only what he chose. A
proof of that occurred almost at once.

Immediately the first greetings were over Julius broke out into a flood
of eager questions. How had Sir James managed to track the girl? Why had
he not let them know that he was still working on the case? And so on.

Sir James stroked his chin and smiled. At last he said:

"Just so, just so. Well, she's found. And that's the great thing, isn't
it? Eh! Come now, that's the great thing?"

"Sure it is. But just how did you strike her trail? Miss Tuppence and I
thought you'd quit for good and all."
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