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The Secret Adversary

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A minute later, Tommy held one up. Mr. Carter exhibited some surprise.

"Ah, Westway! Shouldn't have thought it. Poses as being moderate. As for
the other fellow, I think I can give a good guess." He handed another
photograph to Tommy, and smiled at the other's exclamation. "I'm right,
then. Who is he? Irishman. Prominent Unionist M.P. All a blind, of
course. We've suspected it--but couldn't get any proof. Yes, you've done
very well, young man. The 29th, you say, is the date. That gives us very
little time--very little time indeed."

"But----" Tommy hesitated.

Mr. Carter read his thoughts.

"We can deal with the General Strike menace, I think. It's a
toss-up--but we've got a sporting chance! But if that draft treaty turns
up--we're done. England will be plunged in anarchy. Ah, what's that?
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