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The Secret Adversary

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elapse while he recovered his breath. Then he strolled gently in the
opposite direction. He glanced at his watch. It was a little after
half-past five. It was rapidly growing light. At the next corner he
passed a policeman. The policeman cast a suspicious eye on him. Tommy
felt slightly offended. Then, passing his hand over his face, he
laughed. He had not shaved or washed for three days! What a guy he must

He betook himself without more ado to a Turkish Bath establishment which
he knew to be open all night. He emerged into the busy daylight feeling
himself once more, and able to make plans.

First of all, he must have a square meal. He had eaten nothing since
midday yesterday. He turned into an A.B.C. shop and ordered eggs and
bacon and coffee. Whilst he ate, he read a morning paper propped up
in front of him. Suddenly he stiffened. There was a long article on
Kramenin, who was described as the "man behind Bolshevism" in Russia,
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