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The Secret Adversary

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At the end of five minutes Tuppence sat up, blew her nose, and pushed
back her hair.

"That's that," she observed sternly. "Let's look facts in the face. I
seem to have fallen in love--with an idiot of a boy who probably doesn't
care two straws about me." Here she paused. "Anyway," she resumed, as
though arguing with an unseen opponent, "I don't KNOW that he does. He'd
never have dared to say so. I've always jumped on sentiment--and here
I am being more sentimental than anybody. What idiots girls are! I've
always thought so. I suppose I shall sleep with his photograph under my
pillow, and dream about him all night. It's dreadful to feel you've been
false to your principles."

Tuppence shook her head sadly, as she reviewed her backsliding.

"I don't know what to say to Julius, I'm sure. Oh, what a fool I feel!
I'll have to say SOMETHING--he's so American and thorough, he'll insist
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