"Another shock, eh?" said Julius thoughtfully.
"Exactly. There was a case in Colorado----" The little man's voice
trailed on, voluble, mildly enthusiastic.
Julius did not seem to be listening. He had relapsed into his own
thoughts and was frowning. Suddenly he came out of his brown study,
and hit the table such a resounding bang with his fist that every one
jumped, the doctor most of all.
"I've got it! I guess, doc, I'd like your medical opinion on the plan
I'm about to outline. Say Jane was to cross the herring pond again, and
the same thing was to happen. The submarine, the sinking ship, every one
to take to the boats--and so on. Wouldn't that do the trick? Wouldn't it
give a mighty big bump to her subconscious self, or whatever the jargon
is, and start it functioning again right away?"
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