go to bed, and that you and I, Mr. Hersheimmer, should share the vigil."
Tuppence was about to protest, but happening to glance at the bed she
saw Mrs. Vandemeyer, her eyes half-open, with such an expression of
mingled fear and malevolence on her face that it quite froze the words
on her lips.
For a moment she wondered whether the faint and the heart attack had
been a gigantic sham, but remembering the deadly pallor she could hardly
credit the supposition. As she looked the expression disappeared as by
magic, and Mrs. Vandemeyer lay inert and motionless as before. For a
moment the girl fancied she must have dreamt it. But she determined
nevertheless to be on the alert.
"Well," said Julius, "I guess we'd better make a move out of here any
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