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The Secret Adversary

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The rim of steel pressed a little harder against the girl's temple.

"Now then, march," went on Mrs. Vandemeyer. "This way--into my room. In
a minute, when I've done with you, you'll go to bed as I told you to.
And you'll sleep--oh yes, my little spy, you'll sleep all right!"

There was a sort of hideous geniality in the last words which Tuppence
did not at all like. For the moment there was nothing to be done, and
she walked obediently into Mrs. Vandemeyer's bedroom. The pistol never
left her forehead. The room was in a state of wild disorder, clothes
were flung about right and left, a suit-case and a hat box, half-packed,
stood in the middle of the floor.

Tuppence pulled herself together with an effort. Her voice shook a
little, but she spoke out bravely.

"Come now," she said. "This is nonsense. You can't shoot me. Why, every
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