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The Secret Adversary

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"Isn't he a duck?" inquired Tuppence ecstatically, as she skipped down
the steps. "Oh, Julius, isn't he just a duck?"

"Well, I allow he seems to be the goods all right. And I was wrong about
its being useless to go to him. Say, shall we go right away back to the

"I must walk a bit, I think. I feel so excited. Drop me in the park,
will you? Unless you'd like to come too?"

"I want to get some petrol," he explained. "And send off a cable or

"All right. I'll meet you at the Ritz at seven. We'll have to dine
upstairs. I can't show myself in these glad rags."

"Sure. I'll get Felix help me choose the menu. He's some head waiter,
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