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The Secret Adversary

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The conversation that she had overheard, although interesting in that
it proved beyond doubt the complicity of both Rita and Boris, threw very
little light on the present preoccupations. The name of Jane Finn had
not even been mentioned.

The following morning a few brief words with Albert informed her that
nothing was waiting for her at the stationer's. It seemed incredible
that Tommy, if all was well with him, should not send any word to her.
A cold hand seemed to close round her heart.... Supposing... She choked
her fears down bravely. It was no good worrying. But she leapt at a
chance offered her by Mrs. Vandemeyer.

"What day do you usually go out, Prudence?"

"Friday's my usual day, ma'am."

Mrs. Vandemeyer lifted her eyebrows.
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