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The Secret Adversary

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directions or orders which the big man was impressing on his companion,
and with which the latter seemed from time to time to disagree.
Whittington addressed the other as Boris.

Tommy caught the word "Ireland" several times, also "propaganda," but
of Jane Finn there was no mention. Suddenly, in a lull in the clatter of
the room, he got one phrase entire. Whittington was speaking. "Ah, but
you don't know Flossie. She's a marvel. An archbishop would swear she
was his own mother. She gets the voice right every time, and that's
really the principal thing."

Tommy did not hear Boris's reply, but in response to it Whittington said
something that sounded like: "Of course--only in an emergency...."

Then he lost the thread again. But presently the phrases became distinct
again whether because the other two had insensibly raised their voices,
or because Tommy's ears were getting more attuned, he could not tell.
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