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The Secret Adversary

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"Buck up, old bean. We always knew it was an outside chance. And,
anyway, we're only starting. If we draw a blank in London, there's a
fine tour of England, Ireland and Scotland before us."

"True," said Tuppence, her flagging spirits reviving. "And all expenses
paid! But, oh, Tommy, I do like things to happen quickly. So far,
adventure has succeeded adventure, but this morning has been dull as

"You must stifle this longing for vulgar sensation, Tuppence. Remember
that if Mr. Brown is all he is reported to be, it's a wonder that he has
not ere now done us to death. That's a good sentence, quite a literary
flavour about it."

"You're really more conceited than I am--with less excuse! Ahem! But it
certainly is queer that Mr. Brown has not yet wreaked vengeance upon us.
(You see, I can do it too.) We pass on our way unscathed."
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