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The Secret Adversary

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"Yes. Look here." Together they bent over the list. "You see, very few
Christian names are given. They're nearly all Mrs. or Miss."

Tommy nodded.

"That complicates matters," he murmured thoughtfully.

Tuppence gave her characteristic "terrier" shake.

"Well, we've just got to get down to it, that's all. We'll start with
the London area. Just note down the addresses of any of the females who
live in London or roundabout, while I put on my hat."

Five minutes later the young couple emerged into Piccadilly, and a few
seconds later a taxi was bearing them to The Laurels, Glendower Road,
N.7, the residence of Mrs. Edgar Keith, whose name figured first in a
list of seven reposing in Tommy's pocket-book.
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