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The Secret Adversary

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"The old man DID pile it up. He went into oil, and he went into steel,
and he played a bit with railroads, and I can tell you he made Wall
Street sit up!" He paused. "Then he died--last fall--and I got the
dollars. Well, would you believe it, my conscience got busy! Kept
knocking me up and saying: What about your Aunt Jane, way out West?
It worried me some. You see, I figured it out that Amos Finn would never
make good. He wasn't the sort. End of it was, I hired a man to hunt her
down. Result, she was dead, and Amos Finn was dead, but they'd left
a daughter--Jane--who'd been torpedoed in the Lusitania on her way to
Paris. She was saved all right, but they didn't seem able to hear of her
over this side. I guessed they weren't hustling any, so I thought I'd
come along over, and speed things up. I phoned Scotland Yard and the
Admiralty first thing. The Admiralty rather choked me off, but Scotland
Yard were very civil--said they would make inquiries, even sent a man
round this morning to get her photograph. I'm off to Paris to-morrow,
just to see what the Prefecture is doing. I guess if I go to and fro
hustling them, they ought to get busy!"
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