clothes, all white even to his shoes. Lloyd was also in white, but
barefoot.... The chief, who speaks French very well, stood beside Louis
to interpret for him. By the time we had taken our respective places on
the veranda in front of our door, an immense crowd had assembled. They
came in five detachments.... Each set of people came bending under the
weight of bamboo poles laden with fruits, figs, fowls, etc. All were
dressed in their gayest and many had wreaths of leaves or flowers on
their heads. The prettiest sight of all was the children, who came
marching two and two abreast, the bamboo poles lying lengthwise across
their shoulders.
"When all the offerings had been piled in five great heaps upon the
ground, Louis made his oration to the accompaniment of the squealing of
pigs, the cackling of hens, and the roar of the surf.... A speech was
made in return on behalf of the village.... Each speaker finished by
coming forward with one of the smaller things in his hand, which he
offered personally to Louis, and then shook hands with us all and
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