walked, skated, or went sleighing every day. His pen was kept busy also. A new novel, "The Master of Ballantrae," was started, and he contributed a series of articles to _Scribner's Magazine_. For these he was paid a regular sum offered by the publishers and agreed upon in advance--a new experience. It made him feel "awfu' grand," he told a Scotch friend. A venture he had been longing to make since a boy was a cruise among the islands of the South Seas. While enduring the bitter cold of Saranac such hazy ideas as he had had about such a trip began to form themselves into a definite scheme. He was anxious for a long voyage; perhaps the warm sea air might cure him after all else had failed. So night after night he and Lloyd eagerly pored over books and maps, and the family discussed plans for such an expedition.
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