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"?but Merlin is undoubtedly the most valuable item of abandoned TF
equipment on this planet. In the long run, I'd say, more valuable than
everything else together. We certainly aren't going to ignore it."

"Good heavens, Conn! You aren't like these people here; you were
educated at the University of Montevideo."

"So I was. I studied computer theory and practice. I have some doubts
about Merlin being able to do some of the things these laymen like
Kellton and Fawzi and Judge Ledue think it could. Those sorts of
misconceptions and exaggerations have to be allowed for. But I have no
doubt whatever[Pg 34] that the master computer with which they did their
strategic planning is probably the greatest mechanism of its sort ever
built, and I have no doubt whatever that it still exists somewhere in
the Alpha System."

He almost convinced himself of it. He did not, however, convince Wade
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