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textiles, metal products, could be produced anywhere, and sooner or
later they were. That was the reason for the original, pre-War
depression: the customers were all producing for themselves. He'd talk
that over with his father. He wished he'd had time to take some
economics at the University.

He found the file his father kept up-to-date on salvage sites found and
registered with the Claims Office in Storisende. Some of the locations
he had brought back data for had been discovered, but, to his relief,
not the underground duplicate Force Command Headquarters, and not the
spaceport on the island continent of Barathrum, to the east. That was
all right.

He went to the house-defense arms closet and found a 10-mm Navy pistol,
and a belt and spare clips. Making sure that the pistol and magazines
were loaded, he buckled it on. He debated getting a vehicle out of the
hangar on the landing stage, decided against it, and started downtown on
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