Ledue clung to his chair. "They daren't do it with me, Mrs. Maxwell. If
I get into it, it won't be a rehearsal; they'll be really married, and
then there won't be any point in having a wedding tomorrow."
"Oh, Morgan!" Conn called across the room to Gatworth. "You've just been
appointed temporary judge for the wedding rehearsal!"
There was a big crowd around Wade Lucas, in the next room; he was
telling them about the voyage to Baldur, from which he had returned, and
the one to Irminsul, with a cargo of arms, machine tools and
contragravity vehicles, on which he and his bride would go for their
honeymoon. There was another crowd around Flora; she was telling them
about the new fashions on Baldur, which had been brought back on the
/Ouroboros II/.
"Where's your father?" his mother was asking him. "He has to rehearse
giving the bride away."
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