outside the reach of his imagination.
At the back of his mind, the suspicion grew that Carl Leibert knew
exactly what it was. And he became more and more convinced that he had
seen the self-styled preacher before.
Finally, the whole top of the hundred-foot collapsium-covered structure
was uncovered, and the excavation had been leveled out wide enough to
accommodate all the massive paraphernalia of the collapsium-cutter. They
put /The Thing/ onto contragravity again, and brought her down in place;
the work of lifting off the reactor and the converter and the rest of
it, piece by piece, began. Finally, everything was set up.
A dozen and a half of them were gathered in the room that had become
their meeting-place, after dinner. They were all too tired to start the
cutting that night, and at the same time excited and anxious. They
talked in disconnected snatches, and then somebody put on one of the
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