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in Fawzi's office, dreaming about the wonderful things Merlin was going
to do, with everything crumbling around them and everybody getting
poorer every year, and doing nothing, nothing! And when you were coming
home, I was expecting you to tell them there was no Merlin and to go to
work and do something for themselves. But you didn't, and I couldn't see
what you were trying to do. And then when Wade joined you and Father, I
thought he was either helping you put over some kind of a swindle or
else he'd started believing in Merlin himself. I should have seen what
you were trying to do from the beginning. At least, from when you talked
them into cleaning the town up and fixing the escalators and getting the
fountains going again."

So the fountains weren't dusty any more.

"How's Mother taking things now?"

Flora looked distressed. "She goes around wringing her hands. Honestly.
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