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"So do I, Yves. Maybe after we get this thing open, I'll know."


To give himself a margin of safety, Jacquemont had estimated the arrival
of the equipment at three weeks. A week later, he was on-screen to
report that the skeleton ship?they had christened her /The Thing/, and
when Conn saw screen views of her he understood why?was finished and the
collapsium-cutter and two big mining machines were aboard. Evidently
nobody on Koshchei had done a stroke of work on anything else.

"Sylvie's coming along with her; so are Jerry Rivas and Anse Dawes and
Ham Matsui and Gomez and Karanja and four or five others. They'll be
ready to go to work as soon as she lands and unloads," Jacquemont
added.[Pg 158]

That was good; they were all his own people, unconnected with any of the
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