All the computer work. Finding materials to make astrogational equipment and robo-pilots. Studying hyperspace theory?fortunately, there was an excellent library here?and setting up classes, and teaching school. And keeping in[Pg 137] touch with his father, on Poictesme. It was making him nervous not to know what sort of foolishness the older and wiser heads might be getting into. The next morning, they began organizing work-gangs and setting up committees. Three men, two girls and about twenty robots got an open-pit iron mine started; as soon as the steel mill was ready, ore started coming in. Anse Dawes had a gang looking for something they could build a 350-foot interplanetary ship out of; Jacquemont and Mack Vibart were getting plans and specifications and making lists of needed materials. Conn gathered a dozen men and women and started classes in computer theory and practice; at the same time, he and Charley Gatworth were teaching themselves and each other hyperspatial astrogation, which was the art of tossing a ship into some everythingless noplace outside
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