"Our hypership," Conn was saying, "is going to have to be item two on
the agenda. The first thing we need is a ship for the Poictesme-Koshchei
run. By this time next year, we ought to have a thousand to fifteen
hundred people here at the least. We can't haul them all on that flying
sardine can."
"We'll need supplies, too. What was left here won't last forever,"
Nichols added.
"And you're going to have to run this at a profit," Luther Chen-Wong,
who had come along for first hand experience and to help with
administrative work, added. "You have a big payroll to meet, and you'll
have to keep the stockholders happy. People like Jethro Sastraman and
some of these Storisende bankers aren't going to be satisfied with
promises and long-term prospects; they'll want dividends."
"We'll have to get claims staked on something besides Port Carpenter,
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