A new religion, based on Merlin; that would be good. And then the
fanatics who thought Merlin was the Devil would start a holy war to wipe
out the servants of Satan, and with all the combat equipment that was
lying around on this planet.... For the first time since this business
started, he began to feel really frightened.
An aircar came bulleting away from the butte and landed on the mesa as
the /Lester Dawes/ set down. The man who met them at the head of the
vertical shaft wore Federation fatigues?baggy trousers, ankle boots and
long smock, dyed black. He was bareheaded, and his white hair was almost
shoulder-long. He had a white beard.
"Welcome, Brothers," he greeted, a hand raised in benediction. "And who
is this with you?"
His voice was high and quavery; not a good pulpit voice, Conn thought.
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