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Sylvie was embracing her father as he shook hands with his; then she
threw her arms around his neck.

"Oh, Conn, I'm so happy! I was watching everything I could on-screen,
everything you saw, and all the places you were, and everything you were

The scow?pardon, ceremonial barge?gave a slight lurch,[Pg 127] throwing
them together. Over her shoulder, he saw his father and Yves Jacquemont
exchanging grins. Then they had to break it up while he shook hands with
Fawzi and Judge Ledue and the others, and by the time that was over, the
barge was letting down in front of the stand at the end of the dock, and
the band was still deafening Heaven with "Genji Gartner's Body," and
they all started up the stairs to be greeted by Planetary President
Vyckhoven; he looked like an elderly bear who has been too well fed for
too long in a zoo. And by Minister-General Murchison, who represented
the Terran Federation on Poictesme. He was thin and balding, and he
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