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views you can of the ship herself and of the steel mills and that sort
of thing that will produce material for finishing her; I want to use
them in promotion. By the way, has she a name?"

"Only a shipyard construction number."[Pg 117]

"Then suppose you call her /Ouroboros/, after Genji Gartner's old ship,
the one that discovered the Trisystem."

"/Ouroboros II/; that's fine. Will do."

"Good. I'll have Sterber, Flynn & Chen-Wong make application for a
charter right away. We'll have to make Alpha-Interplanetary one of the
stockholding companies, and also Koschchei Exploitation & Development,
and, of course, Litchfield Exploration & Salvage...."

It was a pity there really wasn't a Merlin. If this kept on nothing else
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