A tramp hyperspace freighter landed at Storisende, the /Andromeda/, five
months from Terra, with a cargo of general merchandise. Rodney Maxwell
and Wade Lucas had assembled a cargo of medicines and hospital equipment
which they thought could be sold profitably. They began dickering with
the owner-captain of the hypership.
A farm-tramp down in the tobacco country to the south, evidently
ignorant that the former commander of the Third Force was still alive,
had proclaimed himself to be the reincarnation of Foxx Travis and was
forbidding everybody, on pain of court-martial and firing squad, from
meddling with Merlin. And an evangelist in the west was declaring that
Merlin was really Satan in mechanical shape.
The /Harriet Barne/ was finished. The first test, lifting her to three
hundred miles, turning her bow-up, and taking her another thousand
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