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"There's all sorts of stuff," he was fuming, by screen. "Stuff that's in
short supply anywhere and that we could get good prices for off-planet.
Get Federation sols for it, too."

"The /City of Asgard/ will be along in six months," Conn said. "You can
have a real cargo assembled by then. You can make arrangements in
advance to dispose of it on Terra or Baldur or Marduk."

"There are a couple of other companies interested in interplanetary
ships now," his father added. "One of them had gotten four old
freighters off Mothball Row, and they're tearing them down and
cannibalizing them into one spaceship. That work's being done here at
Storisende Spaceport. And another company has gotten title to a couple
of old office buildings and has a gang at work dismantling them for the
structural steel. I think they're going to build a real spaceship."

That wasn't anything to worry about either. The /Harriet Barne/ was
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