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the corner of the room. The last time Conn had been here, they'd given
him a glass of wine, and he'd felt very grown-up because they didn't
water it for him.

"Well, gentlemen," Kurt Fawzi was saying, "let's have a toast to our
returned friend and new associate. Conn, we're all anxious to hear what
you've found out, but even if you didn't learn anything, we're still
happy to have you back with us. Gentlemen; to our friend and neighbor.
Welcome home, Conn!"

"Well, it's wonderful to be back, Mr. Fawzi," he began.

"Here, none of this mister foolishness; you're one of us, now, Conn. And
drink up, everybody. We have plenty of brandy, if we don't have anything

"You can say that again, Kurt." That was one of the distillery people;
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