warned that autumn had definitely arrived; the many brilliant stars,
almost as bright as the moon of Terra, were coming out in the dusk.
"Conn, this thing about Merlin," she began. "Do you really believe in
it? Ever since Dad and I came to Poictesme, I've been hearing about it,
but it's just a story, isn't it?"
He was tempted to tell her the truth, and sternly put the temptation
behind him.
"Of course there's a Merlin, Sylvie, and it's going to do wonderful
things when we find it."
He looked down the starlit Mall ahead of him. Somebody, maybe Lester
Dawes and Morgan Gatworth and Lorenzo Menardes, had gotten things
finished and cleaned up. The pavement was smooth and unbroken; the
litter had vanished.
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