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"You're the officer in command, Conn," his father told him. "Your
decision. How soon can you attack? We're almost through to the crater."

"There's a vertical shaft right above us, and a lot of noise at the top.
We'll send up a couple of bomb-robots to clear things at the shaft-head
and follow with everything we have."

"Noncombatants and all?"

He nodded. "Only thing we can do." An old quotation occurred to him.
"'If you want to make an omelet, you have to break eggs.'"

He wondered who'd said that in the first place. One of the old
Pre-Atomic conquerors; maybe Hitler. No, Hitler would have said, "If you
want to make sauerkraut, you have to chop cabbage." Maybe it was Caesar.

"We'd better send Gumshoe Gus up, first," Sylvie suggested.
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