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With a dozen ships the size of the /Lester Dawes/, about five thousand
men, and a CO who wasn't concerned with trivialities like casualties,
they could have taken the place in half an hour. With what they had,
trying to fight their way in at the top was out of the question.

There was another way in. He had known about it from the beginning, and
he was trying desperately to think of a way not to utilize it. It was a
tunnel two miles long, running into some of the bottom workshops and
storerooms back of the ship berths from a big blowhole or small crater
at the foot of the mountain. According to the fifty-year-old plans, it
was big enough to take a gunboat in, and on paper it looked like a royal
highway straight to the heart of the enemy's stronghold.

To Conn, it looked like a wonderful place to commit suicide. He'd only
had a short introductory course, in one semester, in military and
protective robotics, just enough to give him a foundation if he wanted
to go into that branch of the subject later. It was also enough to give
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