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"Well, you're here. Lester Dawes and Lorenzo Menardes[Pg 67] are here.
Why don't you just take over. Kurt Fawzi couldn't care less what you do;
he's forgotten he is mayor of Litchfield. He's forgotten there is a

"Well, I don't like to just move into the mayor's office and take over...."

From somewhere below, a submachine gun hammered. There were yells,
pistol shots, and the submachine gun hammered again, a couple of short

"Some of the farm-tramps who can't get jobs, trying to steal something
to eat, I suppose," Conn commented. Gatworth was frowning thoughtfully.
He'd only need one more, very slight, push. "Why don't you talk to Wade
Lucas. He's got brains, and he's honest?nobody but an honest man would
have made himself as unpopular as Lucas has. If you pretend to be
disillusioned with this Merlin business it might help convince him."
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