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"What are you?"

"Vice-president in charge of operations. That's what I[Pg 49] spent all
yesterday log-rolling, baby-kissing and cigar-passing to get."

"And what am I, if it's a fair question?"

"You have a very distinguished position; you are a non-office-holding
stockholder. The only other one is Judge Ledue; as a member of the
judiciary, he did not feel it proper to accept official position in a
private corporation. Tom Brangwyn's Chief of Company Police; Klem Fawzi
is Commander of the Company Guards. And we have a law firm in Storisende
lined up to handle our charter application. Sterber, Flynn & Chen-Wong.
Sterber's married to Jake Vyckhoven's sister, Flynn's son is married to
the daughter of the Secretary of the Treasury, and Chen-Wong is a nephew
of the Chief Justice. All of them are directly descended from members of
Genji Gartner's original crew."
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