And give no chance, but swallow in the fry, Which through their gaping jaws mistake the way." --DRYDEN'S ANNUS MIRABILIS. "While the whale is floating at the stern of the ship, they cut off his head, and tow it with a boat as near the shore as it will come; but it will be aground in twelve or thirteen feet water." --THOMAS EDGE'S TEN VOYAGES TO SPITZBERGEN, IN PURCHAS. "In their way they saw many whales sporting in the ocean, and in wantonness fuzzing up the water through their pipes and vents, which nature has placed on their shoulders." --SIR T. HERBERT'S VOYAGES INTO ASIA AND AFRICA. HARRIS COLL. "Here they saw such huge troops of whales, that they were forced to proceed with a great deal of caution for fear they should run their ship upon them." --SCHOUTEN'S SIXTH CIRCUMNAVIGATION.
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