the famous Dr. Faithburn. You did not think of it, I suppose. The
awakening is to take place here in my house. You must come and see. I
shall depend on your being here."
"I will come back," answered Dr. Wilkins.
Left alone, Mr. Smith busied himself with examining his accounts--a task
of vast magnitude, having to do with transactions which involve a daily
expenditure of upward of $800,000. Fortunately, indeed, the stupendous
progress of mechanic art in modern times makes it comparatively easy.
Thanks to the Piano Electro-Reckoner, the most complex calculations can
be made in a few seconds. In two hours Mr. Smith completed his task.
Just in time. Scarcely had he turned over the last page when Dr. Wilkins
arrived. After him came the body of Dr. Faithburn, escorted by a
numerous company of men of science. They commenced work at once. The
casket being laid down in the middle of the room, the telephote was got
in readiness. The outer world, already notified, was anxiously
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