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With this sally, the audience ended. The clock was striking twelve, the
hour of breakfast. Mr. Smith returns to his chamber. Where the bed stood
in the morning a table all spread comes up through the floor. For Mr.
Smith, being above all a practical man; has reduced the problem of
existence to its simplest terms. For him, instead of the endless suites
of apartments of the olden time, one room fitted with ingenious
mechanical contrivances is enough. Here he sleeps, takes his meals, in
short, lives.

He seats himself. In the mirror of the phonotelephote is seen the same
chamber at Paris which appeared in it this morning. A table furnished
forth is likewise in readiness here, for notwithstanding the difference
of hours, Mr. Smith and his wife have arranged to take their meals
simultaneously. It is delightful thus to take breakfast _tete-a-tete_
with one who is 3000 miles or so away. Just now, Mrs. Smith's chamber
has no occupant.

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