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observation. Never have the ways of country folk been better portrayed.
Keep on, my dear Archibald, keep on! Since yesterday, thanks to you,
there is a gain of 5000 subscribers."

"Mr. John Last," he began again, turning to a new arrival, "I am not so
well pleased with your work. Your story is not a picture of life; it
lacks the elements of truth. And why? Simply because you run straight on
to the end; because you do not analyze. Your heroes do this thing or
that from this or that motive, which you assign without ever a thought
of dissecting their mental and moral natures. Our feelings, you must
remember, are far more complex than all that. In real life every act is
the resultant of a hundred thoughts that come and go, and these you must
study, each by itself, if you would create a living character. 'But,'
you will say, 'in order to note these fleeting thoughts one must know
them, must be able to follow them in their capricious meanderings.' Why,
any child can do that, as you know. You have simply to make use of
hypnotism, electrical or human, which gives one a two-fold being,
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