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Grimms' Fairy Tales

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oneself,' said she, and was quite satisfied with her day's work. When
she went home the mouse inquired: 'And what was the child christened?'
'Half-done,' answered the cat. 'Half-done! What are you saying? I
never heard the name in my life, I'll wager anything it is not in the

The cat's mouth soon began to water for some more licking. 'All good
things go in threes,' said she, 'I am asked to stand godmother again.
The child is quite black, only it has white paws, but with that
exception, it has not a single white hair on its whole body; this only
happens once every few years, you will let me go, won't you?' 'Top-off!
Half-done!' answered the mouse, 'they are such odd names, they make me
very thoughtful.' 'You sit at home,' said the cat, 'in your dark-grey
fur coat and long tail, and are filled with fancies, that's because
you do not go out in the daytime.' During the cat's absence the mouse
cleaned the house, and put it in order, but the greedy cat entirely
emptied the pot of fat. 'When everything is eaten up one has some
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