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Grimms' Fairy Tales

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be punished,' and he at once flew with the Queen to the bear's cave, and
called in: 'Old Growler, why have you insulted my children? You shall
suffer for it--we will punish you by a bloody war.' Thus war was
announced to the Bear, and all four-footed animals were summoned to take
part in it, oxen, asses, cows, deer, and every other animal the earth
contained. And the willow-wren summoned everything which flew in the
air, not only birds, large and small, but midges, and hornets, bees and
flies had to come.

When the time came for the war to begin, the willow-wren sent out spies
to discover who was the enemy's commander-in-chief. The gnat, who was
the most crafty, flew into the forest where the enemy was assembled,
and hid herself beneath a leaf of the tree where the password was to be
announced. There stood the bear, and he called the fox before him
and said: 'Fox, you are the most cunning of all animals, you shall be
general and lead us.' 'Good,' said the fox, 'but what signal shall we
agree upon?' No one knew that, so the fox said: 'I have a fine long
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