glasses, chairs, benches, the table, and at last the walls, without
touching the bird at all. In the end, however, they caught her: and the
wife said, 'Shall I kill her at once?' 'No,' cried he, 'that is letting
her off too easily: she shall die a much more cruel death; I will eat
her.' But the sparrow began to flutter about, and stretch out her neck
and cried, 'Carter! it shall cost thee thy life yet!' With that he
could wait no longer: so he gave his wife the hatchet, and cried, 'Wife,
strike at the bird and kill her in my hand.' And the wife struck; but
she missed her aim, and hit her husband on the head so that he fell down
dead, and the sparrow flew quietly home to her nest.
There was a king who had twelve beautiful daughters. They slept in
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