The king said to his daughter: 'I will proclaim a great feast that shall
last for three days, and you shall throw a golden apple. Perhaps the
unknown man will show himself.' When the feast was announced, the youth
went out to the forest, and called Iron Hans. 'What do you desire?'
asked he. 'That I may catch the king's daughter's golden apple.' 'It is
as safe as if you had it already,' said Iron Hans. 'You shall likewise
have a suit of red armour for the occasion, and ride on a spirited
chestnut-horse.' When the day came, the youth galloped to the spot, took
his place amongst the knights, and was recognized by no one. The king's
daughter came forward, and threw a golden apple to the knights, but none
of them caught it but he, only as soon as he had it he galloped away.
On the second day Iron Hans equipped him as a white knight, and gave him
a white horse. Again he was the only one who caught the apple, and
he did not linger an instant, but galloped off with it. The king grew
angry, and said: 'That is not allowed; he must appear before me and tell
his name.' He gave the order that if the knight who caught the apple,
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