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Grimms' Fairy Tales

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hobblety jib; nevertheless he mounted it, and rode away to the dark
forest. When he came to the outskirts, he called 'Iron Hans' three
times so loudly that it echoed through the trees. Thereupon the wild man
appeared immediately, and said: 'What do you desire?' 'I want a strong
steed, for I am going to the wars.' 'That you shall have, and still more
than you ask for.' Then the wild man went back into the forest, and it
was not long before a stable-boy came out of it, who led a horse that
snorted with its nostrils, and could hardly be restrained, and behind
them followed a great troop of warriors entirely equipped in iron, and
their swords flashed in the sun. The youth made over his three-legged
horse to the stable-boy, mounted the other, and rode at the head of the
soldiers. When he got near the battlefield a great part of the king's
men had already fallen, and little was wanting to make the rest give
way. Then the youth galloped thither with his iron soldiers, broke like
a hurricane over the enemy, and beat down all who opposed him. They
began to flee, but the youth pursued, and never stopped, until there
was not a single man left. Instead of returning to the king, however, he
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