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Grimms' Fairy Tales

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man might not see it. But he said: 'You have dipped your finger into
the water, this time it may pass, but take care you do not again let
anything go in.' By daybreak the boy was already sitting by the well and
watching it. His finger hurt him again and he passed it over his head,
and then unhappily a hair fell down into the well. He took it quickly
out, but it was already quite gilded. Iron Hans came, and already knew
what had happened. 'You have let a hair fall into the well,' said he.
'I will allow you to watch by it once more, but if this happens for the
third time then the well is polluted and you can no longer remain with

On the third day, the boy sat by the well, and did not stir his finger,
however much it hurt him. But the time was long to him, and he looked at
the reflection of his face on the surface of the water. And as he
still bent down more and more while he was doing so, and trying to look
straight into the eyes, his long hair fell down from his shoulders into
the water. He raised himself up quickly, but the whole of the hair of
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