and tears were of no avail; the parson was sent for, and she was married
to the fiddler. When this was over the king said, 'Now get ready to
go--you must not stay here--you must travel on with your husband.'
Then the fiddler went his way, and took her with him, and they soon came
to a great wood. 'Pray,' said she, 'whose is this wood?' 'It belongs
to King Grisly-beard,' answered he; 'hadst thou taken him, all had been
thine.' 'Ah! unlucky wretch that I am!' sighed she; 'would that I had
married King Grisly-beard!' Next they came to some fine meadows. 'Whose
are these beautiful green meadows?' said she. 'They belong to King
Grisly-beard, hadst thou taken him, they had all been thine.' 'Ah!
unlucky wretch that I am!' said she; 'would that I had married King
Then they came to a great city. 'Whose is this noble city?' said she.
'It belongs to King Grisly-beard; hadst thou taken him, it had all been
thine.' 'Ah! wretch that I am!' sighed she; 'why did I not marry King
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